Email Your City Officials

Read the Build Together Update

Email Your City Officials

There is still time for your voice to be heard; the determination as to whether or not to move forward with 150 Centre Street will not be made until the Board of the BPDA has met. Sending an email to your elected officials is easy.  You can email the same letter to everyone, beginning with your name and address as an introduction, followed by your list of concerns.  Your subject line might be something like, "I Oppose the 150 Centre Street Proposal."

Not sure what to say? As a starting point, you might begin with the words of the Build Together petition, and modify them to suit your needs:

"I am opposed to the Trinity Financial proposal. This building would be far larger than anything else in the area and is significantly out of scale for the neighborhood at 20x the size of the average triple-decker. The proposal will significantly increase vehicular traffic when compared to current conditions, creating over 300 additional new vehicle trips daily and resulting in traffic and safety issues on Centre St. and in the surrounding neighborhood. Finally the proposed project fails to protect the long-term residents of our community and new residents that will come, by not adequately addressing the very serious need for transit-oriented, truly affordable sustainable housing at Shawmut Station with a path to homeownership."

IMPORTANT: At the bottom of your correspondence, it is critical to write, "Please enter my letter into the public record for the 150 Centre Street project."

Board Members of the Boston Public Development Agency (BPDA)

Since the BPDA will be determining whether or not the 150 Centre Street project will move forward, it is critical that we write to members of the Board to let them know how we feel. The Board is comprised of the following five individuals:

An email sent to will reach all five board members simultaneously.

Governor's Office

Neither Governor Maura Healey's email address nor Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll's email address are publicly available.  Governor Healey, however, can be contacted by completing this form.

Governor Healey has recently appointed Lieutenant Governor Driscoll as the State's Housing Czar.  If you wish to share your opinions with the Lieutenant Governor, specify in the link above that you would like your correspondence to be directed to her attention.

NOTE: If viewing the remainder of this page from your mobile device, download the spreadsheet.


Boston City Council

Committee on Housing and Community Development

It is critical that we write to members of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, as this committee oversees the BPDA.

At-Large City Council Members

State Representatives

State Senator

Staff Members of City Councilor Brian Worrell